diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-07-07 00:30:26 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-07-07 00:30:26 +1200
commit2959ae47f0a95b74c07b92827da6653657785943 (patch)
parentMerge branch 'release/v6.50.0' (diff)
parentBump VERSION (diff)
downloaddotfiles-6.51.0.tar.gz (sig)
Merge branch 'release/v6.51.0'v6.51.0
* release/v6.51.0: Set 'spellfile' back to default before prefixing Remove multibyte character from autoload file Rearrange command/function call semantics Handle path expansion in CreatePath Expand arguments to :CreatePath Force load of Funcref autoload func on older Vim Adjust order of directory reference and creation Remove excessive linebreaks More vimrc comment refactoring Revert to simpler spelling approach Add case sensitivity flag to needed opers Refine NZ vs US Vim spelling setup Factor out functions from vimrc Add an idea Remove an implemented idea Add an issue
11 files changed, 138 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/IDEAS.md b/IDEAS.md
index 88361aaa..2e03cef5 100644
--- a/IDEAS.md
+++ b/IDEAS.md
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ Ideas
some point
* I'd like a Git hook that pre-fills out "Version X.Y.Z" if making an annotated
tag named `vX.Y.Z`.
-* Per-filetype spelling dictionaries might be a good idea, e.g. writing all the
- valid :commands and 'options' for Vim script into a file for ft=vim.
+* There's no reason to limit `digraph_search.vim` to insert mode only
diff --git a/ISSUES.md b/ISSUES.md
index 103c3a98..cd6228ea 100644
--- a/ISSUES.md
+++ b/ISSUES.md
@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ Known issues
pushed upstream.
* The `_text_filenames` completion handler for Bash won't work on files with
newlines in their names. Can it be made to?
+* A paste operation, maybe TextChanged, should probably end a pending paste
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index ffb23ce0..5a80561a 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-tejr dotfiles v6.50.0
-Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:57:15 +0000
+tejr dotfiles v6.51.0
+Sat, 06 Jul 2019 12:30:25 +0000
diff --git a/vim/autoload/escape.vim b/vim/autoload/escape.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fdfba99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/escape.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+function! escape#Arg(arg) abort
+ return exists('*fnameescape')
+ \ ? fnameescape(a:arg)
+ \ : escape(a:arg, "\n\r\t".' *?[{`$\%#''"|!<')
+function! escape#Item(item) abort
+ return escape(a:item, ',')
+function! escape#Wild(string) abort
+ return escape(a:string, '\*?[{`''$~')
diff --git a/vim/autoload/map.vim b/vim/autoload/map.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4bd90a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/map.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+" We declare a wrapper around map() to allow us always to call it with
+" a Funcref as the second function parameter, which isn't directly supported
+" by map() until Vim v7.4.1989. If the running version is older than that,
+" apply string() to the Funcref to use the older calling convention.
+" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.4.1989>
+function! map#(list, Func) abort
+ return has('patch-7.4.1989')
+ \ ? map(a:list, a:Func)
+ \ : map(a:list, string(a:Func).'(0, v:val)')
diff --git a/vim/autoload/path.vim b/vim/autoload/path.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83102138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/path.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+function! path#Create(name, ...) abort
+ if a:0 > 2
+ echoerr 'Too many arguments'
+ endif
+ if isdirectory(a:name)
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let name = a:name
+ let path = 'p'
+ let prot = a:0 == 1 && a:1 ? 0700 : 0755
+ return mkdir(name, path, prot)
diff --git a/vim/autoload/plugin.vim b/vim/autoload/plugin.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68e3d54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/plugin.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+function! plugin#Ready(name) abort
+ return &loadplugins
+ \ && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/'.a:name.'.vim') !=# ''
diff --git a/vim/autoload/reload.vim b/vim/autoload/reload.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..558f24d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/reload.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+function! reload#FileType() abort
+ if exists('g:did_load_filetypes')
+ doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead
+ endif
+function! reload#Vimrc() abort
+ noautocmd source $MYVIMRC
+ call reload#FileType()
+ redraw
+ echomsg fnamemodify($MYVIMRC, ':p:~').' reloaded'
diff --git a/vim/autoload/split.vim b/vim/autoload/split.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44065094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/split.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if v:version < 702 || v:version == 702 && !has('patch-61')
+ runtime autoload/unescape.vim
+function! split#Option(expr, ...) abort
+ if a:0 > 2
+ echoerr 'Too many arguments'
+ endif
+ let keepempty = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
+ let parts = split(a:expr, '\\\@<!,[, ]*', keepempty)
+ return map#(parts, function('unescape#Item'))
diff --git a/vim/autoload/unescape.vim b/vim/autoload/unescape.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a809827d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/unescape.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+function! unescape#Item(key, val) abort
+ return substitute(a:val, '\\,', ',', 'g')
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index c2e2f015..cf0c4675 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ scriptencoding utf-8
" these variables. One of the first things we’ll need to be able to do is
" split the value of 'runtimepath' into its constituent path parts.
-" Splitting the values of these comma-separated options correctly is
-" surprisingly complicated. The list separator for such options is more
-" accurately defined as follows:
+" Splitting the values of comma-separated options correctly is surprisingly
+" complicated. The list separator for such options is more accurately defined
+" as follows:
" │ A comma not preceded by a backslash, and possibly followed by an arbitrary
" │ number of spaces and commas.
@@ -88,119 +88,42 @@ scriptencoding utf-8
" We don’t, however, have to deal with backslashes before other backslashes,
" nor before any other character. You can read the source code for the ad-hoc
" tokenizer in copy_option_part() in src/misc2.c in Vim’s source code, and
-" test it with some values of your own, if you want to understand why.
-" Vim, I love you, but you are really weird.
-" Note that we’re calling a script-local wrapper around map() named Map(), and
-" making a function reference to a script-local function UnEscItem(), both of
-" which we’ll define shortly.
-function! s:SplitOption(expr, ...) abort
- let keepempty = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
- let parts = split(a:expr, '\\\@<!,[, ]*', keepempty)
- return s:Map(parts, function('s:UnEscItem'))
-" We declare a wrapper around map() to allow us always to call it with
-" a Funcref as the second function parameter, which isn’t directly supported
-" by map() until Vim v7.4.1989. If the running version is older than that,
-" apply string() to the Funcref to use the older calling convention.
-" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.4.1989>
-function! s:Map(list, Func) abort
- return has('patch-7.4.1989')
- \ ? map(a:list, a:Func)
- \ : map(a:list, string(a:Func).'(0, v:val)')
-" We will need to be able to escape and unescape commas within separated list
-" items. As noted above, we do this by adding and removing a backslash before
-" each comma.
-function! s:EscItem(item) abort
- return escape(a:item, ',')
-function! s:UnEscItem(key, val) abort
- return substitute(a:val, '\\,', ',', 'g')
-" We will need a way to escape a string for general use in an :execute wrapper
-" to prevent it being interpreted as anything but a string. The fnameescape()
-" function, while somewhat misnamed, is the correct way to do this, but it
-" wasn’t added until Vim v7.1.299, so we’ll have to do our best to backport it
-" here.
-" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v7.1.299>
-function! s:EscArg(arg) abort
- return exists('*fnameescape')
- \ ? fnameescape(a:arg)
- \ : escape(a:arg, "\n\r\t".' *?[{`$\%#''"|!<')
-" For the particular case of 'runtimepath', we also need to escape glob
-" characters like * to prevent them from being expanded.
-function! s:EscWild(string) abort
- let string = a:string
- return escape(string, '\*?[{`''$~')
+" test it with some values of your own, if you want to understand why. Vim,
+" I love you, but you are really weird sometimes.
+" We do all this with an autoloaded function split#Option().
" If an environment variable MYVIM exists, and it isn’t blank, apply its value
" as the first value of 'runtimepath', after escaping it appropriately.
" Otherwise, do it the other way around: the first path in the 'runtimepath'
" list becomes MYVIM.
-if exists('$MYVIM') && $MYVIM != ''
- execute 'set runtimepath^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(s:EscWild(
- \ $MYVIM
- \)))
-elseif &runtimepath != ''
- let $MYVIM = s:SplitOption(&runtimepath)[0]
+if exists('$MYVIM') && $MYVIM !=# ''
+ execute 'set runtimepath^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item(escape#Wild($MYVIM)))
+elseif &runtimepath !=# ''
+ let $MYVIM = split#Option(&runtimepath)[0]
-" We need a function to reliably create a full path, whether or not the
-" directories already exist. We create a wrapper with similar calling
-" conventions to mkdir(), but with the ‘p’ value for the second parameter
-" {prot} forced on. You can still provide alternative permissions in the
-" second argument.
+" We need a command to reliably establish a full path, whether or not the
+" directories already exist. We create a wrapper for the autolated function
+" path#Create() with similar calling conventions to mkdir(), but with the ‘p’
+" value for the second parameter {prot} forced on.
-function! s:CreatePath(name, ...) abort
- if isdirectory(a:name)
- return 1
- endif
- let prot = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 0755
- return mkdir(a:name, 'p', prot)
+command! -bang -bar -complete=dir -nargs=1 CreatePath
+ \ call path#Create(expand(<q-args>), <q-bang> ==# '!')
-" That’s a useful function, too, so we make it available to the user with
-" a user command. We’ll generally use the function form, as it requires less
-" escaping. An optional second argument can be provided, corresponding to the
-" mkdir() permissions parameter.
+" Now that we have a way to create directories if they don’t already exist,
+" let’s apply it for the first time to the user runtime directory. Note that
+" we aren’t checking whether this actually succeeded. We do want errors
+" raised if there were problems with the creation, but we’ll barrel on ahead
+" regardless after warning the user about our failure.
-command! -bar -complete=dir -nargs=1 CreatePath
- \ call s:CreatePath(<f-args>)
-" Now that we have a clean means to create directories if they don’t already
-" exist, let’s apply it for the first time to the user runtime directory.
-" Note that we aren’t checking whether this actually succeeded. We do want
-" errors raised if there were problems with the creation, but we’ll barrel on
-" ahead regardless after warning the user about our failure.
-call s:CreatePath($MYVIM)
-" Our next application of our new :CreatePath command is to configure the path
-" for the viminfo metadata file, putting it in a cache subdirectory of the
-" user runtime directory set in MYVIM.
-" Using this non-default location for viminfo has the nice benefit of
+" Using a logical but non-default location for viminfo has the nice benefit of
" preventing command and search history from getting clobbered when something
" runs Vim without using this vimrc, because such an instance will safely
-" write its history to the default viminfo path instead. It also contributes
-" to our aim of having everything related to the Vim runtime process in one
-" dedicated directory tree.
+" write its own history to the default viminfo path instead. It also
+" contributes to our aim of having everything related to the Vim runtime
+" process in one dedicated directory tree.
" The normal method of specifying the path to the viminfo file, as applied
" here, is an addendum of the path to the 'viminfo' option with an "n" prefix.
@@ -209,8 +132,8 @@ call s:CreatePath($MYVIM)
" <https://github.com/vim/vim/releases/tag/v8.1.0716>
-let s:viminfo = $MYVIM.'/viminfo'
-execute 'set viminfo+='.s:EscArg('n'.s:viminfo)
+execute 'set viminfo+='.escape#Arg('n'.$MYVIM.'/viminfo')
+CreatePath $MYVIM
" Speaking of recorded data in viminfo files, the default Vim limit of a mere
" 50 entries for command and search history is pretty stingy. Because I don’t
@@ -255,11 +178,10 @@ set history=10000
" 'backupfullname', 'swapfilefullname' would have been clearer.
set backup
-let s:backupdir = $MYVIM.'/backup'
-call s:CreatePath(s:backupdir, 0700)
-execute 'set backupdir^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(
- \ s:backupdir.(has('patch-8.1.251') ? '//' : ''),
+execute 'set backupdir^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item(
+ \ $MYVIM.'/backup'.(has('patch-8.1.251') ? '//' : ''),
+CreatePath! $MYVIM/backup
" Files in certain directories on Unix-compatible filesystems should not be
" backed up, for security reasons. This is particularly important if editing
@@ -293,13 +215,10 @@ endif
" trailing slashes to the path to prompt Vim to use the full escaped path in
" its name, in order to avoid filename collisions, since the 'directory'
" option has supported that hint for much longer than 'backupdir' has. We
-" apply CreatePath() to attempt to create the path first, if needed.
+" apply path#Create() to attempt to create the path, if needed.
-let s:directory = $MYVIM.'/swap'
-call s:CreatePath(s:directory, 0700)
-execute 'set directory^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(
- \ s:directory.'//'
- \))
+execute 'set directory^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item($MYVIM.'/swap//'))
+CreatePath! $MYVIM/swap
" Keep tracked undo history for files permanently, in a dedicated cache
" directory, so that the u/:undo and CTRL-R/:redo commands will work between
@@ -316,11 +235,8 @@ execute 'set directory^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(
if has('persistent_undo')
set undofile
- let s:undodir = $MYVIM.'/undo'
- call s:CreatePath(s:undodir, 0700)
- execute 'set undodir^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(
- \ s:undodir.'//'
- \))
+ execute 'set undodir^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item($MYVIM.'/undo//'))
+ CreatePath! $MYVIM/undo
" Now that we have a bit more confidence in our runtime environment, set up
@@ -333,13 +249,8 @@ filetype plugin indent on
" We'll set up a user command named :ReloadFileType to do this, with
" a script-local function backing it.
-function! s:ReloadFileType() abort
- if exists('g:did_load_filetypes')
- doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead
- endif
command! -bar ReloadFileType
- \ call s:ReloadFileType()
+ \ call reload#FileType()
" We'll also define a :ReloadVimrc command. This may seem like overkill, at
" first. Surely just `:source $MYVIMRC` would be good enough?
@@ -348,29 +259,16 @@ command! -bar ReloadFileType
" the vimrc is reloaded. The :set commands for options like 'expandtab' and
" 'shiftwidth' may trample over different buffer-local settings that were
" specified by filetype and indent plugins. To ensure these local values are
-" reinstated, we'll define the new command wrapper to issue a :ReloadFileType
-" command after the vimrc file is sourced.
+" reinstated, we'll define the new command wrapper around an autoloaded
+" function that itself issues a :ReloadFileType command after the vimrc file
+" is sourced.
" We can't put the actual :source command into the script-local function we
" define here, because Vim would get upset that we're trying to redefine
" a function as it executes!
-" Just to be on the safe side, we also suppress any further ##SourceCmd hooks
-" from running the :source command with a :noautocmd wrapper. This is
-" a defensive measure to avoid infinite recursion. It may not actually be
-" necessary.
-" We emit a message afterwards, just to make it clear that something has
-" happened. The :redraw just before that message seems to be necessary for
-" this message to display correctly. I'm not sure why.
-function! s:ReloadVimrc() abort
- ReloadFileType
- redraw
- echomsg fnamemodify($MYVIMRC, ':p:~').' reloaded'
command! -bar ReloadVimrc
- \ noautocmd source $MYVIMRC | call s:ReloadVimrc()
+ \ call reload#Vimrc()
" We'll now create or reset a group of automatic command hooks specific to
" matters related to reloading the vimrc itself, or maintaining and managing
@@ -413,19 +311,21 @@ endif
" the path is valid. We put it back immediately afterwards.
set spelllang=en_nz
-let s:spelldir = $MYVIM.'/spell'
-call s:CreatePath(s:spelldir)
-let s:spellfile = s:spelldir.'/'.join([
- \ split(&spelllang, '_')[0],
- \ &encoding,
- \ 'add',
+let s:spelllang = split#Option(&spelllang)
+let s:spellfile = $MYVIM.'/spell/'.join([
+ \ split(s:spelllang[0], '_')[0], &encoding, 'add',
\], '.')
if has('unix')
let s:isfname = &isfname
set isfname=1-255
-execute 'set spellfile^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(s:spellfile))
-let &isfname = s:isfname
+set spellfile&
+execute 'set spellfile^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item(s:spellfile))
+if exists('s:isfname')
+ let &isfname = s:isfname
+ unlet s:isfname
+CreatePath $MYVIM/spell
" Spell checking includes optional support for catching lower case letters at
" the start of sentences, and defines a pattern in 'spellcapcheck' for the end
@@ -477,12 +377,8 @@ set spellcapcheck=[.?!]\\%(\ \ \\\|[\\n\\r\\t]\\)
set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words
let s:ref = $MYVIM.'/ref'
- execute 'set dictionary^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(
- \ s:ref.'/dictionary.txt'
- \))
- execute 'set thesaurus^='.s:EscArg(s:EscItem(
- \ s:ref.'/thesaurus.txt'
- \))
+ execute 'set dictionary^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item(s:ref.'/dictionary.txt'))
+ execute 'set thesaurus^='.escape#Arg(escape#Item(s:ref.'/thesaurus.txt'))
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E474:/
@@ -838,21 +734,12 @@ set noshowcmd
set shortmess+=I
-" We declare a function just to make a slightly more readable way to express
-" a check that plugins are going to be loaded and that a plugin of a given
-" name appears to be available somewhere in one of the runtime paths.
-function! s:PluginReady(name) abort
- return &loadplugins
- \ && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/'.a:name.'.vim') != ''
" We’ll only use the old 'showmatch' method of a brief jump to the matching
" bracket under the cursor if the much-preferred matchparen.vim standard
" plugin doesn’t look like it’s going to load, whether because plugins have
" been disabled, or it’s not in any of the plugin directories.
-if !s:PluginReady('matchparen')
+if !plugin#Ready('matchparen')
set showmatch matchtime=3
@@ -961,77 +848,13 @@ set wildmode=list:longest,full
" <https://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind#Complex_actions>
-set wildignore=*~,#*#
- \,*.7z
- \,.DS_Store
- \,.git
- \,.hg
- \,.svn
- \,*.a
- \,*.adf
- \,*.asc
- \,*.au
- \,*.aup
- \,*.avi
- \,*.bin
- \,*.bmp
- \,*.bz2
- \,*.class
- \,*.db
- \,*.dbm
- \,*.djvu
- \,*.docx
- \,*.exe
- \,*.filepart
- \,*.flac
- \,*.gd2
- \,*.gif
- \,*.gifv
- \,*.gmo
- \,*.gpg
- \,*.gz
- \,*.hdf
- \,*.ico
- \,*.iso
- \,*.jar
- \,*.jpeg
- \,*.jpg
- \,*.m4a
- \,*.mid
- \,*.mp3
- \,*.mp4
- \,*.o
- \,*.odp
- \,*.ods
- \,*.odt
- \,*.ogg
- \,*.ogv
- \,*.opus
- \,*.pbm
- \,*.pdf
- \,*.png
- \,*.ppt
- \,*.psd
- \,*.pyc
- \,*.rar
- \,*.rm
- \,*.s3m
- \,*.sdbm
- \,*.sqlite
- \,*.swf
- \,*.swp
- \,*.tar
- \,*.tga
- \,*.ttf
- \,*.wav
- \,*.webm
- \,*.xbm
- \,*.xcf
- \,*.xls
- \,*.xlsx
- \,*.xpm
- \,*.xz
- \,*.zip
+set wildignore=*~,#*#,*.7z,.DS_Store,.git,.hg,.svn,*.a,*.adf,*.asc,*.au,*.aup
+ \,*.avi,*.bin,*.bmp,*.bz2,*.class,*.db,*.dbm,*.djvu,*.docx,*.exe
+ \,*.filepart,*.flac,*.gd2,*.gif,*.gifv,*.gmo,*.gpg,*.gz,*.hdf,*.ico
+ \,*.iso,*.jar,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.m4a,*.mid,*.mp3,*.mp4,*.o,*.odp,*.ods,*.odt
+ \,*.ogg,*.ogv,*.opus,*.pbm,*.pdf,*.png,*.ppt,*.psd,*.pyc,*.rar,*.rm
+ \,*.s3m,*.sdbm,*.sqlite,*.swf,*.swp,*.tar,*.tga,*.ttf,*.wav,*.webm,*.xbm
+ \,*.xcf,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.xpm,*.xz,*.zip
" Allow me to be lazy and type a path to complete on the Ex command line in
" all-lowercase, and transform the consequent completion to match the
@@ -1201,7 +1024,7 @@ nnoremap <expr> <Space>
" If the plugin isn’t available, I just abandon CTRL-C to continue its
" uselessness.
-if s:PluginReady('insert_cancel')
+if plugin#Ready('insert_cancel')
imap <C-C> <Plug>(InsertCancel)
@@ -1416,10 +1239,10 @@ nnoremap <Leader>f
" excluding or including the ‘u’ in words like 'favourite', depending on the
" target audience. I generally use US English for international audiences.
-nnoremap <Leader>u
- \ :<C-U>set spelllang=en_us<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>z
- \ :<C-U>set spelllang=en_nz<CR>
+ \ :<C-U>set spelllang=en_nz
+nnoremap <Leader>u
+ \ :<C-U>set spelllang=en_us
" The next mapping is also for toggling an option, but it’s more complicated;
" it uses a simple plugin of mine called copy_linebreak.vim to manage several