diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-11 10:45:19 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-11 10:45:19 +1200
commit4dc39ea796c0c7f4f9c7ab48ea6fceef0c646d58 (patch)
parentMerge branch 'release/v5.36.0' (diff)
parentBump VERSION (diff)
downloaddotfiles-5.37.0.tar.gz (sig)
Merge branch 'release/v5.37.0'v5.37.0
* release/v5.37.0: (24 commits) More rearranging Improve and correct comments on $MYVIM Rename EnsureDir to Establish Rearrange 'backupskip' changes logic Rearrange vimrc autocmds Alter MYVIM semantics: don't allow outside setting Correct case errors in local spell file names Use dedicated augroup for local spellfile Factor our :AddLocalSpellFile command Move spellfile local mapping into function Factor out :FileTypeReload into a function Rearrange blocks in vimrc Check MYVIM is not blank in spellfile plugin Make map display mapping reflect comment Remove a comment line Trim Schopenhauer quote Remove bang from endfunction Correct <Leader>E map definition Move :PutDate and :UTC implementations into plugin ...
6 files changed, 618 insertions, 497 deletions
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 9fb49ae9..909b9eae 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-tejr dotfiles v5.36.0
-Mon Jun 10 06:54:50 UTC 2019
+tejr dotfiles v5.37.0
+Mon Jun 10 22:45:19 UTC 2019
diff --git a/vim/bundle/cursorline_current b/vim/bundle/cursorline_current
-Subproject bfb65858ea696cf1ed5ad2c8ed6d2174c28a780
+Subproject a4261e155c850d4cf8a2624b7a155d69b1bd042
diff --git a/vim/plugin/put_date.vim b/vim/plugin/put_date.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29cf886e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/plugin/put_date.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if exists('loaded_put_date')
+ finish
+let loaded_put_date = 1
+" Define a :PutDate command that inserts a line into the buffer with an
+" RFC-2822 date string, using the system strftime() implementation. Allow it
+" to accept a range which defaults to the current line.
+command! -range PutDate
+ \ <line1>put =strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %T %z')
diff --git a/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim b/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim
index 583df986..0ded3fc1 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if exists('loaded_spellfile_local')
let loaded_spellfile_local = 1
-EnsureDir $MYVIM/cache/spell
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell
let spellfile = join([
\ substitute(v:lang, '_.*', '', ''),
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ let spellfile = join([
\ ], '.') . '.add'
execute 'set spellfile=$MYVIM/cache/spell/'.spellfile
-EnsureDir $MYVIM/cache/spell/local
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell/local
-function! AddLocalSpellfile() abort
+function! AddLocalSpellFile() abort
let spellfile = join([
\ substitute(expand('%:p'), '[^0-9A-Za-z_.-]', '%', 'g'),
\ substitute(v:lang, '_.*', '', ''),
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ function! AddLocalSpellfile() abort
\ ], '.') . '.add'
setlocal spellfile<
execute 'setlocal spellfile+=$MYVIM/cache/spell/local/'.spellfile
-autocmd vimrc BufRead *
- \ call AddLocalSpellfile() | nnoremap <buffer> zG 2zg
+ nnoremap <buffer> zG 2zg
+command! AddLocalSpellFile
+ \ call AddLocalSpellFile()
+augroup spellfile_local
+ autocmd BufRead *
+ \ AddLocalSpellFile
+augroup END
diff --git a/vim/plugin/utc.vim b/vim/plugin/utc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39eebad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/plugin/utc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+if exists('loaded_utc')
+ finish
+let loaded_utc = 1
+" Define a :UTC command wrapper, implemented with a script-local function of
+" the same name. Use expand('$TZ') to ensure we're getting the value of the
+" current timezone from the environment, and cache that in a local variable
+" just long enough to manipulate the environment into using UTC for a command.
+" While this is a tidy way to abstract the operation for the map, I don't like
+" the function implementation much at all. It works OK in stable versions of
+" Vim, but changing an environment variable just long enough to affect the
+" outcome of a command as a side effect seems a bit gross.
+" Worse, the whole thing presently seems to be broken in v8.1.1487; the
+" timezone first chosen seems to 'stick' permanently, and the mapping each
+" produce timestamps in that zone. I haven't worked out why this happens yet.
+" Using the new getenv() and setenv() functions does not seem to fix it. It
+" works fine in Debian GNU/Linux's packaged v8.0.x.
+function! s:UTC(command) abort
+ let tz = expand('$TZ')
+ let $TZ = 'UTC' | execute a:command | let $TZ = tz
+" The :UTC command itself completes another command name, and accepts one
+" required argument, which it passes in quoted form to the helper function.
+command! -complete=command -nargs=1 UTC
+ \ call s:UTC(<q-args>)
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index d044ff74..8aa53791 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ scriptencoding utf-8
" variable MYVIM for the user runtime directory, if such a variable does not
" already exist in the environment, and there's a value in 'runtimepath' from
" which to glean a useable path. We'll use the path nominated in the MYVIM
-" variable as the root of our 'backupdir', 'directory', 'undodir', and
+" variable as the root of our 'nackupdir', 'directory', 'undodir', and
" 'viminfofile' caches, and anywhere else we need a sensible writeable
-" location for Vim-related files.
+" location for Vim-related files. Having it available as an environment
+" variable makes assignments with :set more convenient, without requiring
+" :execute wrappers.
" I think the absence of a variable like this is a glaring omission from Vim.
" We have VIM, VIMRUNTIME, and MYVIMRC, so why is there not an environment
@@ -78,19 +80,23 @@ scriptencoding utf-8
" [, ]* Any number of commas and spaces
" We don't have to deal with escaped backslashes; read the source of
-" copy_option_part() in vim/src/misc2.c to see why.
+" copy_option_part() in vim/src/misc2.c to see why. As an edge case, if
+" &runtimepath is blank, $MYVIM will be set to the empty string, which will
+" throw an error in the next block, due to the way that split() works by
+" default.
" Vim, I love you, but you are so weird.
-let runtimepath = split(&runtimepath, '\\\@<!,[, ]*')
-if !exists('$MYVIM') && len(runtimepath) > 0
- let $MYVIM = runtimepath[0]
+if !exists('$MYVIM')
+ let $MYVIM = split(&runtimepath, '\\\@<!,[, ]*')[0]
" We need to check the MYVIM environment variable's value to ensure it's not
" going to cause problems for the rest of this file.
-" Firstly, if the path specified in the MYVIM environment variable contains
+" Firstly, it can't be empty.
+" Secondly, if the path specified in the MYVIM environment variable contains
" a comma, its use in comma-separated option values will confuse Vim into
" thinking more than one directory is being specified, per normal :set
" semantics. It's possible to work around this with some careful escaping,
@@ -98,40 +104,109 @@ endif
" environment variable for that particular context, but it's not really worth
" the extra complexity for such a niche situation.
-" Secondly, some versions of Vim prior to v7.2.0 exhibit bizarre behaviour
-" with escaping with the backslash character on the command line, so on these
-" older versions of Vim, forbid that character. I haven't found the exact
-" patch level that this was fixed yet, nor the true reason for the bug.
+" Thirdly, some versions of Vim prior to v7.2.0 exhibit bizarre behaviour with
+" escaping with the backslash character on the command line, so on these older
+" versions of Vim, forbid that character. I haven't found the exact patch
+" level that this was fixed yet, nor the true reason for the bug.
-" If either of these conditions are meant, throw an error and blank the MYVIM
-" variable so that nothing uses it.
+" If any of those conditions are meant, throw an explanatory error and stop
+" reading this file. Most of the file doesn't depend on $MYVIM, but there's
+" no point catering to these edge cases.
-if $MYVIM =~# ','
+if $MYVIM ==# ''
+ echoerr 'Blank user runtime path'
+ finish
+elseif $MYVIM =~# ','
echoerr 'Illegal comma in user runtime path'
- let $MYVIM = ''
+ finish
elseif $MYVIM =~# '\\' && v:version < 702
echoerr 'Illegal backslash in user runtime path on Vim < v7.2'
- let $MYVIM = ''
+ finish
-" If the MYVIM environment variable was set outside Vim, it may not correspond
-" to the first element of the default &runtimepath. If this is the case,
-" we'll slot it in, having already checked it for troublesome characters.
+" Use all of the filetype detection, plugin, and indent support available.
+" I define my own filetype.vim and scripts.vim files for filetype detection,
+" in a similar but not identical form to the stock runtime files. I also
+" define my own ftplugin and indent files for some types, sometimes replacing
+" and sometimes supplementing the runtime files.
-if $MYVIM !=# ''
- \ && len(runtimepath) > 0
- \ && $MYVIM !=# runtimepath[0]
- set runtimepath^=$MYVIM
+filetype plugin indent on
+" If this file or the vimrc stub that calls it is sourced, whether because of
+" the above hook, or the <Leader>R mapping prescribed later in this file, add
+" a hook that re-runs filetype detection and thereby ftplugin loading. This
+" is chiefly so that any global options set in this file don't trample over
+" needed buffer-local settings.
+" We'll abstract this away a bit behind a new user command named
+" FileTypeReload, which just re-runs BufRead events for filetype detection if
+" they've been loaded.
+function! s:FileTypeReload() abort
+ if exists('did_load_filetypes')
+ doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead
+ endif
+" The command accepts no arguments, and has no range. It just calls the
+" function; that's all. It's also used by the <Leader>F mapping defined later
+" in this file.
+command! FileTypeReload
+ \ call s:FileTypeReload()
+" Create a 'vimrc' automatic command hook group, if it doesn't already exist;
+" this group should only be used for command hooks related to this vimrc
+" itself.
+augroup vimrc
+ " Clear away any automatic command hooks already defined within it if it
+ " does. This way, we don't end up collecting multiple copies of the hooks
+ " configured in the rest of this file if it's reloaded.
+ "
+ autocmd!
-" We're going to be creating a few directories, and the code to do so in
-" a compatible way is surprisingly verbose, because we need to check the
-" mkdir() function is actually available, and also whether the directory
-" concerned already exists, even if we specify the special 'p' value for its
-" optional {path} argument.
+ " Now we'll use that new :FileTypeReload command as part of an automatic
+ " command hook that runs whenever this vimrc is sourced.
+ "
+ " If there's stuff in any of the filetype plugins that doesn't cope well
+ " with being reloaded, and just assumes a single BufRead event, it might be
+ " necessary to rewrite those parts to be idempotent, or to add load guards
+ " around them so that they only run once.
+ "
+ " Note that the SourceCmd event wasn't added until Vim 7.0.187, so we need
+ " to check it exists first.
+ "
+ if exists('##SourceCmd')
+ autocmd SourceCmd $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
+ \ source <sfile> | FileTypeReload
+ endif
+ " If this file or the vimrc stub that calls it is written to by Vim, we'd like
+ " to reload the stub vimrc and thereby the main vimrc, so that our changes
+ " apply immediately in the current editing session. This often makes broken
+ " changes immediately apparent. We can lean on the SourceCmd hook we just
+ " established to do this; in fact, we'll only establish this hook if we can do
+ " so, because otherwise filetype plugins won't reload, and options like
+ " 'shiftwidth' might be set incorrectly.
+ "
+ if exists('#vimrc#SourceCmd')
+ autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
+ \ doautocmd vimrc SourceCmd
+ endif
+augroup END
+" We're going to be creating a few directories now, and the code to do so in
+" a compatible way is surprisingly verbose, because as well as expanding what
+" we were provided as an argument, we need to check the mkdir() function is
+" actually available.
-" This is because the meaning of mkdir(..., 'p') is not the same as `mkdir -p`
-" in shell script, or at least, it isn't in versions of Vim before v8.0.1708.
+" We also need to check whether the directory concerned already exists, even
+" if we specify the special 'p' value for its optional {path} argument. This
+" is because the meaning of mkdir(..., 'p') is not the same as `mkdir -p` in
+" shell script, or at least, it isn't in versions of Vim before v8.0.1708.
" Even with the magic 'p' sauce, these versions throw errors if the directory
" already exists, despite what someone familiar with `mkdir -p`'s behaviour in
" shell script might expect.
@@ -143,83 +218,24 @@ endif
" final one, since every directory we want to create in this file should be
" locked down in this way.
-function! s:EnsureDir(path) abort
+function! s:Establish(path) abort
let path = expand(a:path)
return isdirectory(path)
\ || exists('*mkdir') && mkdir(path, 'p', 0700)
-" Now we define the :EnsureDir command for user-level access to the
-" s:EnsureDir() function. We set the tab completion to provide directory
+" Now we define the :Establish command for user-level access to the
+" s:Establish() function. We set the tab completion to provide directory
" names as candidates, and specify that there must be only one argument, which
" we'll provide as a quoted parameter to the function.
-command! -complete=dir -nargs=1 EnsureDir
- \ call s:EnsureDir(<q-args>)
+command! -complete=dir -nargs=1 Establish
+ \ call s:Establish(<q-args>)
" Now that we have a clean means to create directories if they don't already
-" exist, let's apply it for the first time, in making sure that the MYVIM
-" directory exists, if it's been set.
-if $MYVIM !=# ''
- EnsureDir $MYVIM
-" Create a 'vimrc' automatic command hook group, if it doesn't already exist,
-" and clear away any automatic command hooks already defined within it if it
-" does. This way, we don't end up collecting multiple copies of the hooks
-" configured in the rest of this file if it's reloaded. I don't want to make
-" the :augroup span the entire file, though.
-augroup vimrc
- autocmd!
-augroup END
-" If this file or the vimrc stub that calls it is sourced, whether because of
-" the above hook, or the <Leader>R mapping prescribed later in this file, add
-" a hook that re-runs filetype detection and thereby ftplugin loading. This
-" is chiefly so that any global options set in this file don't trample over
-" needed buffer-local settings.
+" exist, let's apply it for the first time to the user runtime directory.
-" We'll abstract this away a bit behind a new user command named
-" FileTypeReload, which just re-runs BufRead events for filetype detection if
-" they've been loaded.
-command! FileTypeReload
- \ if exists('did_load_filetypes')
- \| doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead
- \|endif
-" Now we'll use that new :FileTypeReload command as part of an automatic
-" command hook that runs whenever this vimrc is sourced.
-" If there's stuff in any of your filetype plugins that doesn't cope well with
-" being reloaded, and just assumes a single BufRead event, it might be
-" necessary to rewrite those parts to be idempotent, or to add load guards
-" around them so that they only run once.
-" Note that we reload the stub ~/.vimrc or ~/_vimrc file when either it or
-" this main file is saved, using :doautocmd abstraction. Note also that the
-" SourceCmd event wasn't added until Vim 7.0.187, so we need to check it
-" exists first.
-if exists('##SourceCmd')
- autocmd vimrc SourceCmd $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
- \ source <sfile> | FileTypeReload
-" If this file or the vimrc stub that calls it is written to by Vim, we'd like
-" to reload the stub vimrc and thereby the main vimrc, so that our changes
-" apply immediately in the current editing session. This often makes broken
-" changes immediately apparent. We can lean on the SourceCmd hook we just
-" established to do this; in fact, we'll only establish this hook if we can do
-" so, because otherwise filetype plugins won't reload, and options like
-" 'shiftwidth' might be set incorrectly.
-if exists('#vimrc#SourceCmd')
- autocmd vimrc BufWritePost $MYVIMRC,$MYVIM/vimrc
- \ doautocmd vimrc SourceCmd
+Establish $MYVIM
" Keep the viminfo file in a cache subdirectory of the user runtime directory,
" creating that subdirectory first if necessary.
@@ -236,10 +252,8 @@ endif
" a nicer way to set it with a 'viminfofile' option, but there's no particular
" reason to use it until it's in a few more stable versions.
-if $MYVIM !=# ''
- EnsureDir $MYVIM/cache
- set viminfo+=n$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
+Establish $MYVIM/cache
+set viminfo+=n$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
" Speaking of recorded data in viminfo files, the command and search history
" count default limit of 50 is pretty restrictive. Because I don't think I'm
@@ -251,6 +265,144 @@ endif
set history=10000
+" Enable automatic backups of most file buffers. In practice, I don't need
+" these backups very much if I'm using version control sensibly, but they have
+" still saved my bacon a few times. We're not done here yet, though; it
+" requires some fine-tuning.
+set backup
+" Try to keep the aforementioned backup files in a dedicated cache directory,
+" to stop them proliferating next to their prime locations and getting
+" committed to version control repositories. Create said directory if needed,
+" too, with restrictive permissions.
+" If Vim is new enough (v8.1.251), add two trailing slashes to the path we're
+" inserting, which prompts Vim to incorporate the full escaped path in the
+" backup filename, avoiding collisions.
+" As a historical note, other similar directory path list options supported
+" this trailing slashes hint for a long time before 'backupdir' caught up to
+" them. The 'directory' option for swap files has supported it at least as
+" far back as v5.8.0 (2001), and 'undodir' appears to have supported it since
+" its creation in v7.2.438. Even though the :help for 'backupdir' didn't say
+" so, people assumed it would work the same way, when in fact Vim simply
+" ignored it until v8.1.251.
+" I don't want to add the slashes to the option value in older versions of Vim
+" where they don't do anything, so I check the version to see if there's any
+" point adding them.
+" It's all so awkward. Surely options named something like 'backupfullpath',
+" 'swapfilefullpath', and 'undofullpath' would have been clearer.
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/backup
+if has('patch-8.1.251')
+ set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup//
+ set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup
+" Vim doesn't seem to check patterns added to 'backupskip' for uniqueness,
+" so adding them repeatedly if this file is reloaded results in duplicates,
+" due to the absence of the P_NODUP flag for its definition in src/option.c.
+" This is likely a bug in Vim. For the moment, to work around the problem,
+" we reset the path back to its default first.
+set backupskip&
+" Files in certain directories on Unix-compatible filesystems should not be
+" backed up for reasons of privacy, or an intentional ephemerality, or both.
+" This is particularly important if editing temporary files created by
+" sudoedit(8). On Unix-like systems, we here add a few paths to the default
+" value of 'backupskip' in order to prevent the creation of such undesired
+" backup files.
+" * /dev/shm: RAM disk, default path for password-store's temporary files
+" * /usr/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [1/2]
+" * /var/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [2/2]
+if has('unix')
+ set backupskip^=/dev/shm/*,/usr/tmp/*,/var/tmp/*
+" Keep swap files for file buffers in a dedicated directory, rather than the
+" default of writing them to the same directory as the buffer file. Add two
+" trailing slashes to the path to prompt Vim to use the full escaped path in
+" its name, in order to avoid filename collisions. Create that path if
+" needed, too.
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/swap
+set directory^=$MYVIM/cache/swap//
+" Keep tracked undo history for files permanently, in a dedicated cache
+" directory, so that the u/:undo and CTRL-R/:redo commands will work between
+" Vim invocations.
+" Support for persistent undo file caches was not added until v7.2.438, so we
+" need to check for the feature's presence before we enable it.
+if has('persistent_undo')
+ " This has the same structure as 'backupdir' and 'directory'; if we have
+ " a user runtime directory, create a sub-subdirectory within it dedicated to
+ " the undo files cache. Note also the trailing double-slash as a signal to
+ " Vim to use the full path of the original file in its undo file cache's
+ " name.
+ "
+ Establish $MYVIM/cache/undo
+ set undodir^=$MYVIM/cache/undo//
+ " Turn the persistent undo features on, regardless of whether we have
+ " a cache directory for them as a result of the logic above. The files
+ " might sprinkle around the filesystem annoyingly, but that's still better
+ " than losing the history completely.
+ "
+ set undofile
+" For word completion in insert mode with CTRL-X CTRL-K, or if 'complete'
+" includes the 'k' flag, the 'dictionary' option specifies the path to the
+" system word list. This makes the dictionary completion work consistently,
+" even if 'spell' isn't set at the time to coax it into using 'spellfile'.
+" It's not an error if the system directory file added first doesn't exist;
+" it's just a common location that often yields a workable word list, and does
+" so on all of my main machines.
+" At some point, I may end up having to set this option along with 'spellfile'
+" a bit more intelligently to ensure that spell checking and dictionary
+" function consistently, and with reference to the same resources. For the
+" moment, I've just added another entry referring to a directory in the user
+" runtime directory, but I don't have anything distinct to put there yet.
+" In much the same way, we add an expected path to a thesaurus, for completion
+" with CTRL-X CTRL-T in insert mode, or with 't' added to 'completeopt'. The
+" thesaurus data isn't installed as part of the default `install-vim` target
+" in tejr's dotfiles, but it can be retrieved and installed with
+" `install-vim-thesaurus`.
+" I got the thesaurus itself from the link in the :help for 'thesaurus' in
+" v8.1.1487. It's from WordNet and MyThes-1. I maintain a mirror on my own
+" website that the Makefile recipe attempts to retrieve. I had to remove the
+" first two metadata lines from thesaurus.txt, as Vim appeared to interpret
+" them as part of the body data.
+" Extra checks for appending the 'dictionary' and 'thesaurus' paths in MYVIM
+" need to be made, because the P_NDNAME property is assigned to them, which
+" enforces a character blacklist in the option value. We check for the same
+" set of blacklist characters here, and if the MYVIM path offends, we just
+" skip the setting entirely, rather than throwing cryptic errors at the user.
+" None of them are particularly wise characters to have in paths, anyway,
+" legal though they may be on Unix filesystems.
+set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words
+if $MYVIM !~# '[*?[|;&<>\r\n]'
+ set dictionary^=$MYVIM/ref/dictionary.txt
+ set thesaurus^=$MYVIM/ref/thesaurus.txt
" Next, we'll modernise a little in adjusting some options with old
" language-specific defaults.
@@ -311,71 +463,6 @@ else
let &softtabstop = &shiftwidth
-" Enable automatic backups of most file buffers. In practice, I don't need
-" these backups very much if I'm using version control sensibly, but they have
-" still saved my bacon a few times. We're not done here yet, though; it
-" requires some fine-tuning.
-set backup
-" Try to keep the aforementioned backup files in a dedicated cache directory,
-" to stop them proliferating next to their prime locations and getting
-" committed to version control repositories. Create said directory if needed,
-" too, with restrictive permissions.
-" If Vim is new enough (v8.1.251), add two trailing slashes to the path we're
-" inserting, which prompts Vim to incorporate the full escaped path in the
-" backup filename, avoiding collisions.
-" As a historical note, other similar directory path list options supported
-" this trailing slashes hint for a long time before 'backupdir' caught up to
-" them. The 'directory' option for swap files has supported it at least as
-" far back as v5.8.0 (2001), and 'undodir' appears to have supported it since
-" its creation in v7.2.438. Even though the :help for 'backupdir' didn't say
-" so, people assumed it would work the same way, when in fact Vim simply
-" ignored it until v8.1.251.
-" I don't want to add the slashes to the option value in older versions of Vim
-" where they don't do anything, so I check the version to see if there's any
-" point adding them.
-" It's all so awkward. Surely options named something like 'backupfullpath',
-" 'swapfilefullpath', and 'undofullpath' would have been clearer.
-if $MYVIM !=# ''
- EnsureDir $MYVIM/cache/backup
- if has('patch-8.1.251')
- set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup//
- else
- set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup
- endif
-" Files in certain directories on Unix-compatible filesystems should not be
-" backed up for reasons of privacy, or an intentional ephemerality, or both.
-" This is particularly important if editing temporary files created by
-" sudoedit(8). On Unix-like systems, we here add a few paths to the default
-" value of 'backupskip' in order to prevent the creation of such undesired
-" backup files.
-if has('unix')
- " Vim doesn't seem to check patterns added to 'backupskip' for uniqueness,
- " so adding them repeatedly if this file is reloaded results in duplicates,
- " due to the absence of the P_NODUP flag for its definition in src/option.c.
- " This is likely a bug in Vim. For the moment, to work around the problem,
- " we reset the path back to its default first.
- "
- set backupskip&
- " * /dev/shm: RAM disk, default path for password-store's temporary files
- " * /usr/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [1/2]
- " * /var/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [2/2]
- "
- set backupskip^=/dev/shm/*,/usr/tmp/*,/var/tmp/*
" Relax traditional vi's harsh standards over what regions of the buffer can
" be removed with backspace in insert mode. While this admittedly allows bad
" habits to continue, since insert mode by definition is not really intended
@@ -426,17 +513,6 @@ endif
set confirm
-" Keep swap files for file buffers in a dedicated directory, rather than the
-" default of writing them to the same directory as the buffer file. Add two
-" trailing slashes to the path to prompt Vim to use the full escaped path in
-" its name, in order to avoid filename collisions. Create that path if
-" needed, too.
-if $MYVIM !=# ''
- EnsureDir $MYVIM/cache/swap
- set directory^=$MYVIM/cache/swap//
" If Vim receives an Escape key code in insert mode, it shouldn't wait to see
" if it's going to be followed by another key code, despite this being how the
" function keys and Meta/Alt modifier are implemented for many terminal types.
@@ -740,35 +816,6 @@ if exists('+ttymouse')
set ttymouse=
-" Keep tracked undo history for files permanently, in a dedicated cache
-" directory, so that the u/:undo and CTRL-R/:redo commands will work between
-" Vim invocations.
-" Support for persistent undo file caches was not added until v7.2.438, so we
-" need to check for the feature's presence before we enable it.
-if has('persistent_undo')
- " This has the same structure as 'backupdir' and 'directory'; if we have
- " a user runtime directory, create a sub-subdirectory within it dedicated to
- " the undo files cache. Note also the trailing double-slash as a signal to
- " Vim to use the full path of the original file in its undo file cache's
- " name.
- "
- if $MYVIM !=# ''
- EnsureDir $MYVIM/cache/undo
- set undodir^=$MYVIM/cache/undo//
- endif
- " Turn the persistent undo features on, regardless of whether we have
- " a cache directory for them as a result of the logic above. The files
- " might sprinkle around the filesystem annoyingly, but that's still better
- " than losing the history completely.
- "
- set undofile
" While using virtual block mode, allow me to navigate to any column of the
" buffer window; don't confine the boundaries of the block to the coordinates
" of characters that actually exist in the buffer text. While working with
@@ -857,56 +904,6 @@ if exists('+wildignorecase')
set wildignorecase
-" For word completion in insert mode with CTRL-X CTRL-K, or if 'complete'
-" includes the 'k' flag, the 'dictionary' option specifies the path to the
-" system word list. This makes the dictionary completion work consistently,
-" even if 'spell' isn't set at the time to coax it into using 'spellfile'.
-" It's not an error if the system directory file added first doesn't exist;
-" it's just a common location that often yields a workable word list, and does
-" so on all of my main machines.
-" At some point, I may end up having to set this option along with 'spellfile'
-" a bit more intelligently to ensure that spell checking and dictionary
-" function consistently, and with reference to the same resources. For the
-" moment, I've just added another entry referring to a directory in the user
-" runtime directory, but I don't have anything distinct to put there yet.
-" In much the same way, we add an expected path to a thesaurus, for completion
-" with CTRL-X CTRL-T in insert mode, or with 't' added to 'completeopt'. The
-" thesaurus data isn't installed as part of the default `install-vim` target
-" in tejr's dotfiles, but it can be retrieved and installed with
-" `install-vim-thesaurus`.
-" I got the thesaurus itself from the link in the :help for 'thesaurus' in
-" v8.1.1487. It's from WordNet and MyThes-1. I maintain a mirror on my own
-" website that the Makefile recipe attempts to retrieve. I had to remove the
-" first two metadata lines from thesaurus.txt, as Vim appeared to interpret
-" them as part of the body data.
-" The checks for appending the 'dictionary' and 'thesaurus' paths in MYVIM
-" need to be stricter than the ones for 'backupdir', because the P_NDNAME
-" property is assigned to them, which enforces a character blacklist in the
-" option value. We check for the same set of blacklist characters here, and
-" if the MYVIM path offends, we just skip the setting entirely, rather than
-" throwing cryptic errors at the user. None of them are particularly wise
-" characters to have in paths, anyway, legal though they may be on Unix
-" filesystems.
-set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words
-if $MYVIM !=# '' && $MYVIM !~# '[*?[|;&<>\r\n]'
- set dictionary^=$MYVIM/ref/dictionary.txt
- set thesaurus^=$MYVIM/ref/thesaurus.txt
-" Use all of the filetype detection, plugin, and indent support available.
-" I define my own filetype.vim and scripts.vim files for filetype detection,
-" in a similar but not identical form to the stock runtime files. I also
-" define my own ftplugin and indent files for some types, sometimes replacing
-" and sometimes supplementing the runtime files.
-filetype plugin indent on
" Enable syntax highlighting, but only if it's not already on, to save
" reloading the syntax files unnecessarily.
@@ -988,11 +985,9 @@ endtry
" * Avoid shadowing any of Vim's existing functionality. If possible, extend
" or supplement what Vim does, rather than replacing it.
-" We'll start with the non-leader mappings. Ideally there shouldn't be too
+" We'll start with the non-leader mappings. Ideally, there shouldn't be too
" many of these.
" I like using the space bar to scroll down a page, so I can lazily tap it to
" read documents, and I find its default behaviour of moving right one
" character to be useless.
@@ -1014,13 +1009,10 @@ endtry
" I always wanted you to go into space, man.
-if globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/scroll_next.vim') !=# ''
- \ && &loadplugins
- nmap <Space>
- \ <Plug>(ScrollNext)
+if &loadplugins && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/scroll_next.vim') !=# ''
+ nmap <Space> <Plug>(ScrollNext)
- nnoremap <Space>
- \ <PageDown>
+ nnoremap <Space> <PageDown>
" I hate CTRL-C in insert mode, which ends the insert session without firing
@@ -1060,10 +1052,8 @@ endif
" If the plugin isn't available, I just abandon CTRL-C to continue its
" uselessness.
-if globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/insert_cancel.vim') !=# ''
- \ && &loadplugins
- imap <C-C>
- \ <Plug>(InsertCancel)
+if &loadplugins && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/insert_cancel.vim') !=# ''
+ imap <C-C> <Plug>(InsertCancel)
" I often don't remember or can't guess digraph codes very well, and want to
@@ -1098,325 +1088,407 @@ endif
" checking that the plugin's available before we map to it; it'll just quietly
" do nothing.
-imap <C-K><C-K>
- \ <Plug>(DigraphSearch)
+imap <C-K><C-K> <Plug>(DigraphSearch)
-" Stack Ctrl-L to clear search highlight, make it work in insert mode too
+" I end up hitting CTRL-L to clear or redraw the screen in interactive shells
+" and tools like Mutt and Vim pretty often. It feels natural to me to stack
+" issuing a :nohlsearch command to stop highlighting searches on top of this.
+" This gets by far the most use in normal mode, but I'd like it to work in
+" visual and insert mode, too, where it's occasionally useful, especially on
+" things like mobile phone terminal emulators that can be choppy and require
+" a lot of redrawing.
+" For each of these, we end the mapping with a CTRL-L in normal mode, thereby
+" extending rather than replacing Vim's normal behaviour.
nnoremap <C-L>
\ :<C-U>nohlsearch<CR><C-L>
+" We use :vnoremap rather than :xnoremap and thereby make the mapping apply to
+" select mode as well, because CTRL-L doesn't reflect a printable character,
+" and so we may as well, even though I never use select mode directly.
vnoremap <C-L>
\ :<C-U>nohlsearch<CR>gv<C-L>
+" The insert mode mapping uses CTRL-O to issue a single normal normal-mode
+" command, but twice: once to issue the :nohlsearch command, and then once to
+" issue an unmapped normal-mode CTRL-L.
inoremap <C-L>
\ <C-O>:<C-U>nohlsearch<CR><C-O><C-L>
-" Remap normal/visual & and g& to preserve substitution flags
+" By default, the very-useful normal mode command '&' that repeats the
+" previous :substitute command doesn't preserve the flags from that
+" substitution. I'd prefer it to do so, like the :&& command does, and it's
+" easily remapped for both normal and visual mode, so let's just do it.
nnoremap &
\ :&&<CR>
xnoremap &
\ :&&<CR>
-nnoremap g&
- \ :<C-U>%&&<CR>
-" Map g: as a 'colon operator'
-nmap g:
- \ <Plug>(ColonOperator)
+" I really like using the '!' command in normal mode as an operator to filter
+" text through a shell command. It always bugged me a little that there
+" didn't seem to be an analogue for a motion to filter text through an
+" internal command like :sort, so I wrote one.
+nmap g: <Plug>(ColonOperator)
+" I used Tim Pope's unimpaired.vim plugin for ages, and I liked some of these
+" bracket pair mappings, so I've carried a few of the simpler ones over. All
+" of these can be prefixed with a count if needed, too. I use all of them
+" pretty regularly, even though cycling through lists to look for something
+" can be a bit wasteful.
-" Cycle through argument list
+" Argument list
nnoremap [a
\ :previous<CR>
nnoremap ]a
\ :next<CR>
-" Cycle through buffers
+" Buffers
nnoremap [b
\ :bprevious<CR>
nnoremap ]b
\ :bnext<CR>
-" Cycle through quickfix list items
+" Quickfix list
nnoremap [c
\ :cprevious<CR>
nnoremap ]c
\ :cnext<CR>
-" Cycle through location list items
+" Location list
nnoremap [l
\ :lprevious<CR>
nnoremap ]l
\ :lnext<CR>
-" Insert blank lines around current line
-nmap [<Space>
- \ <Plug>(PutBlankLinesAbove)
-nmap ]<Space>
- \ <Plug>(PutBlankLinesBelow)
+" Here's another mapping I particularly liked from unimpaired.vim here; insert
+" blank lines from normal mode, using a custom plugin of mine called
+" put_blank_lines.vim. These use operator functions so that they're
+" repeatable without repeat.vim. They accept count prefixes, too.
+nmap [<Space> <Plug>(PutBlankLinesAbove)
+nmap ]<Space> <Plug>(PutBlankLinesBelow)
-" Set leader keys
+" We're on to the leader maps, now. It's difficult to know what order to put
+" these in; I originally had them in alphabetical order, but it seems more
+" useful now to group the by the category of their function, albeit roughly.
+" First of all, let's set the leader keys; backslash happens to be the
+" default, but I like to make my choice explicit here.
+" As of 2019, I'm still not certain that comma is the best choice for my local
+" leader. I use it all the time for this purpose, and it works well, but
+" I don't much like that it shadows a useful function in the fFtT;, group, and
+" wonder if I would use it more if I hadn't shadowed it.
let mapleader = '\'
let maplocalleader = ','
-" Leader,a toggles 'formatoptions' 'a' flag using a plugin
-nnoremap <Leader>a
- \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal formatoptions a<CR>
-" Leader,b toggles settings friendly to copying and pasting
-nmap <Leader>b
- \ <Plug>(CopyLinebreakToggle)
+" Let's start with some simple ones; these ones all just toggle a boolean
+" option, and print its new value. They're dirt simple to specify, and don't
+" require any plugins.
+" These are sometimes applicable in visual mode, and sometimes not. We'll
+" start with the ones that only make sense as normal mode maps. Interesting,
+" a visual mode mapping for 'cursorline' toggling doesn't work at all;
+" 'cursorline' is always off when in any visual mode, including block mode,
+" where it actually might have been really handy.
-" Leader,c toggles 'cursorline'; no visual mode map as it doesn't work
+"" Leader,TAB toggles automatic indentation based on the previous line
+nnoremap <Leader><Tab>
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal autoindent! autoindent?<CR>
+"" Leader,c toggles highlighted cursor row; doesn't work in visual mode
nnoremap <Leader>c
\ :<C-U>setlocal cursorline! cursorline?<CR>
-" Leader,C toggles 'cursorcolumn'; works in visual mode
-nnoremap <Leader>C
- \ :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn! cursorcolumn?<CR>
-xnoremap <Leader>C
- \ :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn! cursorcolumn?<CR>gv
-" Insert an RFC2822-compliant date string into the buffer
-command! -range PutDate
- \ <line1>put =strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %T %z')
-" Set up a quick command-function pair to run a command with the UTC timezone,
-" in this case, for my date-printing mappings. Is there a nicer way to do
-" this? I couldn't find one.
-" This presently seems to be broken in v8.1.1487; the timezone first chosen
-" seems to 'stick' permanently. I haven't worked out why yet. Using the new
-" getenv() and setenv() functions does not seem to fix it. It works fine in
-" Debian GNU/Linux's packaged v8.0.x.
-function! s:UTC(command) abort
- let tz = expand('$TZ')
- let $TZ = 'UTC' | execute a:command | let $TZ = tz
-command! -complete=command -nargs=1 UTC
- \ call s:UTC(<q-args>)
-" Leader,d inserts the local date (RFC 2822)
-nnoremap <Leader>d
- \ :<C-U>PutDate<CR>
-" Leader,D inserts the UTC date (RFC 2822)
-nnoremap <Leader>D
- \ :<C-U>UTC PutDate<CR>
-" Leader,e forces a buffer to be editable
-nnoremap <Leader>e
- \ :<C-U>setlocal modifiable noreadonly<CR>
-" Leader,f shows the current 'formatoptions' at a glance
-nnoremap <Leader>f
- \ :<C-U>setlocal formatoptions?<CR>
-" Leader,F reloads filetype plugins
-nnoremap <Leader>F
- \ :<C-U>FileTypeReload<CR>
-" Leader,g shows the current file's fully expanded path
-nnoremap <Leader>g
- \ :<C-U>echo expand('%:p')<CR>
-" Leader,G changes directory to the current file's location
-nnoremap <Leader>G
- \ :<C-U>cd %:h<Bar>pwd<CR>
-" Leader,h toggles highlighting search results
+"" Leader,h toggles highlighting search results
nnoremap <Leader>h
\ :<C-U>set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
-" Leader,H shows command history
-nnoremap <Leader>H
- \ :<C-U>history :<CR>
-" Leader,i toggles showing matches as I enter my pattern
+"" Leader,i toggles showing matches as I enter my pattern
nnoremap <Leader>i
\ :<C-U>set incsearch! incsearch?<CR>
+"" Leader,s toggles spell checking
+nnoremap <Leader>s
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal spell! spell?<CR>
-" Leader,j jumps to buffers ("jetpack")
-nnoremap <Leader>j
- \ :<C-U>buffers<CR>:buffer<Space>
-" Leader,k shows my marks
-nnoremap <Leader>k
- \ :<C-U>marks<CR>
+" The next group of option-toggling maps are much the same as the previous
+" group, except they also include analogous maps for visual mode, defined as
+" recursive maps into normal mode that conclude with re-selecting the text.
-" Leader,l toggles showing tab, end-of-line, and trailing white space
+"" Leader,C toggles highlighted cursor column; works in visual mode
+nnoremap <Leader>C
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal cursorcolumn! cursorcolumn?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>C <Esc><Leader>Cgv
+"" Leader,l toggles showing tab, end-of-line, and trailing white space
nnoremap <Leader>l
\ :<C-U>setlocal list! list?<CR>
-xnoremap <Leader>l
- \ :<C-U>setlocal list! list?<CR>gv
-" Leader,L toggles 'colorcolumn' showing 'textwidth'
-nnoremap <Leader>L
- \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal colorcolumn +1<CR>
-xnoremap <Leader>L
- \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal colorcolumn +1<CR>gv
-" Leader,m shows normal maps
-nnoremap <Leader>m
- \ :<C-U>map<CR>
-" Leader,M shows buffer-local normal maps
-nnoremap <Leader>M
- \ :<C-U>map <buffer><CR>
-" Leader,n toggles line number display
+xmap <Leader>l <Esc><Leader>lgv
+"" Leader,n toggles line number display
nnoremap <Leader>n
\ :<C-U>setlocal number! number?<CR>
-xnoremap <Leader>n
- \ :<C-U>setlocal number! number?<CR>gv
-" Leader,N toggles position display in bottom right
+xmap <Leader>n <Esc><Leader>ngv
+"" Leader,N toggles position display in bottom right
nnoremap <Leader>N
\ :<C-U>set ruler! ruler?<CR>
-xnoremap <Leader>N
- \ :<C-U>set ruler! ruler?<CR>gv
-" Leader,o opens a line below in paste mode
-nmap <Leader>o
- \ <Plug>(PasteOpenBelow)
-" Leader,O opens a line above in paste mode
-nmap <Leader>O
- \ <Plug>(PasteOpenAbove)
-" Leader,p toggles paste mode
+xmap <Leader>N <Esc><Leader>Ngv
+"" Leader,p toggles paste mode
nnoremap <Leader>p
\ :<C-U>set paste! paste?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>p <Esc><Leader>pgv
+"" Leader,w toggles soft wrapping
+nnoremap <Leader>w
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal wrap! wrap?<CR>
+xmap <Leader>w <Esc><Leader>wgv
-" Leader,P creates the path to the current file
-nnoremap <Leader>P
- \ :<C-U>call mkdir(expand('%:h'), 'p')<CR>
+" This next one just shows option state of the 'formatoptions' affecting how
+" text is automatically formatted; it doesn't change its value.
-" Leader,q formats the current paragraph
-nnoremap <Leader>q
- \ gqap
+"" Leader,f shows the current 'formatoptions' at a glance
+nnoremap <Leader>f
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal formatoptions?<CR>
-" Leader,r acts as a replacement operator
-nmap <Leader>r
- \ <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
-xmap <Leader>r
- \ <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
+" I often have to switch between US English and NZ English. The latter is
+" almost exactly the same as UK English in most locales, although we use
+" dollars rather than pounds. This is mostly so I remember things like
+" excluding or including the 'u' in words like 'favourite', depending on the
+" target audience. I generally use US English for international audiences.
-" Leader,R reloads ~/.vimrc
-nnoremap <Leader>R
- \ :<C-U>source $MYVIMRC<CR>
+"" Leader,u sets US English spelling language
+nnoremap <Leader>u
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_us<CR>
+"" Leader,z sets NZ English spelling language
+nnoremap <Leader>z
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_nz<CR>
-" Leader,s toggles spell checking
-nnoremap <Leader>s
- \ :<C-U>setlocal spell! spell?<CR>
+" The next mapping is another option toggler, but it's more complicated; it
+" uses a simple plugin of mine called copy_linebreak.vim to manage several
+" options at once, related to the 'wrap' option that soft-wraps text.
+" It's designed for usage in terminal emulators and multiplexers to
+" temporarily make the buffer text suitable for copying in such a way that the
+" wrapping and any associated soft formatting won't pervert the text,
+" including 'breakindent', 'linebreak', and 'showbreak' artifacts.
+" This is really handy for quick selections of small regions of text. For
+" larger blocks of text or for programatically manipulating the text as it
+" leaves the buffer, it makes more sense to use :! commands.
-" Leader,S shows loaded scripts
-nnoremap <Leader>S
- \ :<C-U>scriptnames<CR>
+"" Leader,b toggles settings friendly to copying and pasting
+nmap <Leader>b <Plug>(CopyLinebreakToggle)
+" The above mappings show that mappings for toggling boolean options are
+" simple, but there isn't a way to toggle single flags within option strings,
+" so I wrote a plugin called toggle_flags.vim to provide :ToggleFlag and
+" :ToggleFlagLocal commands. The first argument is the name of an option, and
+" the second is the flag within it that should be toggled on or off.
+"" Leader,a toggles 'formatoptions' 'a' auto-flowing flag
+nnoremap <Leader>a
+ \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal formatoptions a<CR>
+"" Leader,L toggles 'colorcolumn' showing the first column beyond 'textwidth'
+nnoremap <Leader>L
+ \ :<C-U>ToggleFlagLocal colorcolumn +1<CR>
+xmap <Leader>L <Esc><Leader>Lgv
-" Leader,t shows current filetype
+" These mappings are for managing filetypes. The first one uses the
+" :FileTypeReload command that was defined much earlier in this file.for
+" a vimrc reload hook.
+"" Leader,F reloads filetype plugins
+nnoremap <Leader>F
+ \ :<C-U>FileTypeReload<CR>
+"" Leader,t shows current filetype
nnoremap <Leader>t
\ :<C-U>setlocal filetype?<CR>
-" Leader,T clears filetype
+"" Leader,T clears filetype
nnoremap <Leader>T
\ :<C-U>setlocal filetype=<CR>
-" Leader,u sets US English spelling (compare Leader,z)
-nnoremap <Leader>u
- \ :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_us<CR>
+" These mappings use my put_date.vim and utc.vim plugins for date insertion
+" into the buffer.
-" Leader,v shows all global variables
+"" Leader,d inserts the local date (RFC 2822)
+nnoremap <Leader>d
+ \ :<C-U>PutDate<CR>
+"" Leader,D inserts the UTC date (RFC 2822)
+nnoremap <Leader>D
+ \ :<C-U>UTC PutDate<CR>
+" This group contains mappings that are to do with file and path management
+" relative to the current buffer.
+"" Leader,g shows the current file's fully expanded path
+nnoremap <Leader>g
+ \ :<C-U>echo expand('%:p')<CR>
+"" Leader,G changes directory to the current file's location
+nnoremap <Leader>G
+ \ :<C-U>cd %:h<Bar>pwd<CR>
+"" Leader,P creates the path to the current file if it doesn't exist
+nnoremap <Leader>P
+ \ :<C-U>Establish %:h<CR>
+" This group contains mappings that show information about Vim's internals:
+" marks, registers, variables, and the like.
+"" Leader,H shows command history
+nnoremap <Leader>H
+ \ :<C-U>history :<CR>
+"" Leader,k shows my marks
+nnoremap <Leader>k
+ \ :<C-U>marks<CR>
+"" Leader,m shows normal maps
+nnoremap <Leader>m
+ \ :<C-U>nmap<CR>
+"" Leader,M shows buffer-local normal maps
+nnoremap <Leader>M
+ \ :<C-U>nmap <buffer><CR>
+"" Leader,S shows loaded scripts
+nnoremap <Leader>S
+ \ :<C-U>scriptnames<CR>
+"" Leader,v shows all global variables
nnoremap <Leader>v
\ :<C-U>let g: v:<CR>
-" Leader,V shows all local variables
+"" Leader,V shows all local variables
nnoremap <Leader>V
\ :<C-U>let b: t: w:<CR>
+"" Leader,y shows all registers
+nnoremap <Leader>y
+ \ :<C-U>registers<CR>
-" Leader,w toggles wrapping
-nnoremap <Leader>w
- \ :<C-U>setlocal wrap! wrap?<CR>
-xnoremap <Leader>w
- \ :<C-U>setlocal wrap! wrap?<CR>gv
+" This group contains mappings concerned with buffer navigation and
+" management. I use the "jetpack" buffer jumper one like crazy; I really like
+" it. I got it from one of bairui's "Vim and Vigor" comics:
+" <http://of-vim-and-vigor.blogspot.com/p/vim-vigor-comic.html>
+"" Leader,DEL deletes the current buffer
+nnoremap <Leader><Delete>
+ \ :bdelete<CR>
+"" Leader,INS edits a new buffer
+nnoremap <Leader><Insert>
+ \ :<C-U>enew<CR>
+"" Leader,e forces a buffer to be editable, even a :help one
+nnoremap <Leader>e
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal modifiable noreadonly<CR>
+"" Leader,E locks a buffer, reversible with <Leader>e
+nnoremap <Leader>E
+ \ :<C-U>setlocal nomodifiable readonly<CR>
+"" Leader,j jumps to buffers ("jetpack")
+nnoremap <Leader>j
+ \ :<C-U>buffers<CR>:buffer<Space>
-" Leader,x strips trailing whitespace via a custom plugin
+" Filtering and batch operations to clean up buffer text
+"" Leader,x strips trailing whitespace via a custom plugin
nnoremap <Leader>x
\ :StripTrailingWhitespace<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>x
\ :StripTrailingWhitespace<CR>
-" Leader,X squeezes repeated blank lines via a custom plugin
+"" Leader,X squeezes repeated blank lines via a custom plugin
nnoremap <Leader>X
\ :SqueezeRepeatBlanks<CR>
xnoremap <Leader>X
\ :SqueezeRepeatBlanks<CR>
-" Leader,y shows all registers
-nnoremap <Leader>y
- \ :<C-U>registers<CR>
-" Leader,z sets NZ English spelling (compare Leader,u)
-nnoremap <Leader>z
- \ :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_nz<CR>
-" Leader,= runs the whole buffer through =, preserving position
+"" Leader,= runs the whole buffer through =, preserving position
nnoremap <Leader>=
\ :<C-U>KeepPosition normal! 1G=G<CR>
-" Leader,+ runs the whole buffer through gq, preserving position
+"" Leader,+ runs the whole buffer through gq, preserving position
nnoremap <Leader>+
\ :<C-U>KeepPosition normal! 1GgqG<CR>
-" Leader,. runs the configured make program into the location list
-nnoremap <Leader>.
- \ :<C-U>lmake!<CR>
+" This group defines a few :onoremap commands to make my own text objects.
+" I should probably make some more of these, as they've proven to be
+" terrifically handy.
-" Leader,< and Leader,> adjust indent of last edit; good for pasting
-nnoremap <Leader><lt>
- \ :<C-U>'[,']<lt><CR>
-nnoremap <Leader>>
- \ :<C-U>'[,']><CR>
-" Leader,_ uses last changed or yanked text as an object
+"" Leader,_ uses last changed or yanked text as an object
onoremap <Leader>_
\ :<C-U>normal! `[v`]<CR>
-" Leader,% uses entire buffer as an object
+"" Leader,% uses entire buffer as an object
onoremap <Leader>%
\ :<C-U>normal! 1GVG<CR>
-" Leader,{ and Leader,} move to lines with non-space chars before current column
-map <Leader>{
- \ <Plug>(VerticalRegionUp)
+" This group defines some useful motions.
+"" Leader,{ and Leader,} move to lines with non-space chars before current column
+map <Leader>{ <Plug>(VerticalRegionUp)
sunmap <Leader>{
-map <Leader>}
- \ <Plug>(VerticalRegionDown)
+map <Leader>} <Plug>(VerticalRegionDown)
sunmap <Leader>}
+"" Leader,\ jumps to the last edit position mark: think "Now, where was I?"
+nnoremap <Leader>\ `"
+xnoremap <Leader>\ `"
+" This group does both: useful motions on defined text objects.
-" Leader,/ types :vimgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
+"" Leader,< and Leader,> adjust indent of last edit; good for pasting
+nnoremap <Leader><lt>
+ \ :<C-U>'[,']<lt><CR>
+nnoremap <Leader>>
+ \ :<C-U>'[,']><CR>
+" This group is for directory tree or help search convenience mappings.
+"" Leader,/ types :vimgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
nnoremap <Leader>/
\ :<C-U>vimgrep /\c/j **<S-Left><S-Left><Right>
-" Leader,? types :lhelpgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
+"" Leader,? types :lhelpgrep for me ready to enter a search pattern
nnoremap <Leader>?
\ :<C-U>lhelpgrep \c<S-Left>
-" Leader,* escapes regex metacharacters
-nmap <Leader>*
- \ <Plug>(RegexEscape)
-xmap <Leader>*
- \ <Plug>(RegexEscape)
-" Leader,\ jumps to the last edit position mark, like g;, but works as a motion
-" "Now, where was I?" (tap-tap)
-nnoremap <Leader>\
- \ `"
-xnoremap <Leader>\
- \ `"
+" This group contains miscellaneous mappings for which I couldn't find any
+" other place. The plugin mappings probably require their own documentation
+" comment block, but my hands are getting tired from all this typing.
-" Leader,DEL deletes the current buffer
-nnoremap <Leader><Delete>
- \ :bdelete<CR>
-" Leader,INS edits a new buffer
-nnoremap <Leader><Insert>
- \ :<C-U>enew<CR>
+"" Leader,. runs the configured make program into the location list
+nnoremap <Leader>.
+ \ :<C-U>lmake!<CR>
+"" Leader,o opens a line below in paste mode
+nmap <Leader>o <Plug>(PasteOpenBelow)
+"" Leader,O opens a line above in paste mode
+nmap <Leader>O <Plug>(PasteOpenAbove)
+"" Leader,q formats the current paragraph
+nnoremap <Leader>q gqap
+"" Leader,r acts as a replacement operator
+nmap <Leader>r <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
+xmap <Leader>r <Plug>(ReplaceOperator)
+"" Leader,* escapes regex metacharacters
+nmap <Leader>* <Plug>(RegexEscape)
+xmap <Leader>* <Plug>(RegexEscape)
+" And last, but definitely not least, I'm required by Vim fanatic law to
+" include a mapping that reloads my whole configuration. Doing this triggers
+" the #vimrc#SourceCmd hooks defined much earlier in the file so that
+" filetypes get reloaded afterwards, so I don't need to follow <Leader>R with
+" a <Leader>F.
+"" Leader,R reloads ~/.vimrc
+nnoremap <Leader>R
+ \ :<C-U>source $MYVIMRC<CR>
-" Leader,TAB toggles 'autoindent'
-nnoremap <Leader><Tab>
- \ :<C-U>setlocal autoindent! autoindent?<CR>
+" I'll close this file with a few abbreviations. Perhaps of everything in
+" here, I'm least confident that these should be in here, but they've proven
+" pretty useful. First, some 'deliberate' abbreviations for stuff I type
+" a lot:
+inoreabbrev tr@ tom@sanctum.geek.nz
+inoreabbrev tr/ <https://sanctum.geek.nz/>
-" Some useful abbreviations
-inoreabbrev tr@ tom@sanctum.geek.nz
-inoreabbrev tr/ <https://sanctum.geek.nz/>
+" And then, just fix some typographical and spelling errors for me
+" automatically.
+inoreabbrev almsot almost
+inoreabbrev wrnog wrong
+inoreabbrev Fielding Feilding
+inoreabbrev THe The
+inoreabbrev THere There
-" THe things I almsot always type wrnog
-inoreabbrev almsot almost
-inoreabbrev wrnog wrong
-inoreabbrev Fielding Feilding
-inoreabbrev THe The
-inoreabbrev THere There
+" Here endeth the literate vimrc.
+" > Consequently, it is soon recognised that they write for the sake of
+" > filling up the paper, and this is the case sometimes with the best
+" > authors... as soon as this is perceived the book should be thrown away,
+" > for time is precious.
+" > -- Schopenhauer