diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-08 20:21:10 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-06-08 20:21:10 +1200
commitc6e5751cd9ac26acfeabc341d7225e40475e1771 (patch)
parentGroup clearing of C-related defaults (diff)
Add more literate vimrc comments
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 590d0176..25588943 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -197,8 +197,9 @@ set confirm
set cpoptions+=J
" For word completion in insert mode with CTRL-X CTRL-K, or if 'complete'
-" includes the 'k' flag, this specifies the path to the system dictionary.
-" This makes the dictionary completion work even if 'spell' isn't set.
+" includes the 'k' flag, this specifies the path to the system dictionary to
+" find words. This makes the dictionary completion work consistently, even if
+" 'spell' isn't set at that moment.
" At some point, I may end up having to set this option along with 'spellfile'
" a bit more intelligently to ensure that spell checking and dictionary
@@ -220,20 +221,54 @@ execute 'set directory^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart(s:directory)
call vimrc#Ensure(&directory)
-" If the environment didn't set an encoding, use UTF-8, not ASCII
+" On Unix, I keep LANG defined in my environment, and it's almost always set
+" to a multibyte (UTF-8) locale. This informs Vim's choice of internal
+" character encoding, but the default for the 'encoding' option is latin1,
+" which is seldom what I want, and if I do want it, I'll specify it with LANG
+" or possibly a manual :set command. UTF-8 makes much more sense as a default
+" encoding if Vim can't glean what I want from LANG.
if !exists('$LANG')
set encoding=utf-8
-" Don't wait for a key after Escape in insert mode
-if exists('+esckeys') " No such option in Neovim
+" If Vim receives an Escape key code in insert mode, it shouldn't wait to see
+" if it's going to be followed by another key code, despite this being how the
+" function keys and Meta/Alt modifier are implemented for many terminal types.
+" Otherwise, if I press Escape, there's an annoying delay before 'showmode'
+" stops showing "--INSERT--".
+" This breaks the function keys and the Meta/Alt modifier in insert mode in
+" most or maybe all of the terminals I use, but I don't want those keys in
+" insert mode anyway. It all works fine in the GUI, of course.
+" There's no such option as 'esckeys' in Neovim, which I gather has completely
+" overhauled its method of keyboard event handling, so we need to check
+" whether the option exists before we try to set it.
+if exists('+esckeys')
set noesckeys
-" Fold based on indent, but only when I ask
-set foldlevelstart=99
+" By default, figuring out where a region of text to fold away should be done
+" by the indent level of its lines, since I tend to be careful about my
+" indentation even in languages where it has no structure significance.
set foldmethod=indent
+" That said, I don't want any folding to actually take place unless
+" I specifically ask for it. I think of a Vim window with a file buffer
+" loaded as a two-dimensional planar view of the file, so that moving down one
+" screen line means moving down one buffer line, at least when 'wrap' is
+" unset. Folds break that mental model, and so I usually enable them
+" explicitly only when I'm struggling to grasp some in-depth code with very
+" long functions or loops.
+" Therefore, we set the depth level at which folds should automatically start
+" as closed to a rather high number, per the documentation's recommendations.
+set foldlevelstart=99
" Automatic formatting options
set formatoptions+=l " Don't break a long line in insert mode
set formatoptions+=1 " Avoid breaking lines after one-letter words