diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2016-08-18 10:27:25 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2016-08-18 10:27:25 +1200
commit29b27432d7269662de03d8864a15a5adf101209e (patch)
parentPort grep() and ls() to POSIX sh (diff)
Do away with dircolors and LS_COLORS
The default colors are just fine; I want to be able to distinguish directories, devices, links, and executable files, and those all appear to be configured by default. The giant environment variable is too annoying for too little benefit.
4 files changed, 1 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 07e0014c..5d8369c9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
install-bin \
install-bin-man \
install-curl \
- install-dircolors \
install-dotfiles-man \
install-dunst \
install-finger \
@@ -127,7 +126,6 @@ install : install-bash \
install-bash-completion \
install-bin \
install-curl \
- install-dircolors \
install-git \
install-gnupg \
install-readline \
@@ -173,9 +171,6 @@ install-bin-man :
install-curl :
install -pm 0644 -- curl/curlrc "$(HOME)"/.curlrc
-install-dircolors :
- install -pm 0644 -- dircolors/dircolors "$(HOME)"/.dircolors
install-dotfiles-man : man/man7/dotfiles.7
install -m 0755 -d -- "$(HOME)"/.local/share/man/man7
install -pm 0644 -- man/man7/*.7 "$(HOME)"/.local/share/man/man7
diff --git a/README.markdown b/README.markdown
index d74ea0be..034f8185 100644
--- a/README.markdown
+++ b/README.markdown
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ Configuration is included for:
* [cURL](https://curl.haxx.se/) -- Command-line tool for transferring data with
URL syntax
-* [`dircolors(1)`](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/dircolors-invocation.html)
- -- Color GNU `ls(1)` output
* [Dunst](http://knopwob.org/dunst/) -- A lightweight X11 notification daemon
that works with `libnotify`
* `finger(1)` -- User information lookup program
diff --git a/dircolors/dircolors b/dircolors/dircolors
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b583feb..00000000
--- a/dircolors/dircolors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-TERM ansi
-TERM linux
-TERM putty
-TERM putty-256color
-TERM rxvt
-TERM rxvt-256color
-TERM rxvt-unicode
-TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
-TERM screen
-TERM screen-256color
-TERM xterm
-TERM xterm-256color
-DIR 01;34
-LINK 01;36
-FIFO 40;33
-SOCK 01;35
-DOOR 01;35
-BLK 40;33;01
-CHR 40;33;01
-ORPHAN 40;31;01
-EXEC 01;32
-.tar 01;31
-.tgz 01;31
-.arj 01;31
-.taz 01;31
-.lzh 01;31
-.lzma 01;31
-.tlz 01;31
-.txz 01;31
-.zip 01;31
-.z 01;31
-.Z 01;31
-.dz 01;31
-.gz 01;31
-.lz 01;31
-.xz 01;31
-.bz2 01;31
-.bz 01;31
-.tbz 01;31
-.tbz2 01;31
-.tz 01;31
-.deb 01;31
-.rpm 01;31
-.jar 01;31
-.war 01;31
-.ear 01;31
-.sar 01;31
-.rar 01;31
-.ace 01;31
-.zoo 01;31
-.cpio 01;31
-.7z 01;31
-.rz 01;31
-.jpg 01;35
-.jpeg 01;35
-.gif 01;35
-.bmp 01;35
-.pbm 01;35
-.pgm 01;35
-.ppm 01;35
-.tga 01;35
-.xbm 01;35
-.xpm 01;35
-.tif 01;35
-.tiff 01;35
-.png 01;35
-.svg 01;35
-.svgz 01;35
-.mng 01;35
-.pcx 01;35
-.mov 01;35
-.mpg 01;35
-.mpeg 01;35
-.m2v 01;35
-.mkv 01;35
-.webm 01;35
-.ogm 01;35
-.mp4 01;35
-.m4v 01;35
-.mp4v 01;35
-.vob 01;35
-.qt 01;35
-.nuv 01;35
-.wmv 01;35
-.asf 01;35
-.rm 01;35
-.rmvb 01;35
-.flc 01;35
-.avi 01;35
-.fli 01;35
-.flv 01;35
-.gl 01;35
-.dl 01;35
-.xcf 01;35
-.xwd 01;35
-.yuv 01;35
-.cgm 01;35
-.emf 01;35
-.axv 01;35
-.anx 01;35
-.ogv 01;35
-.ogx 01;35
-.aac 00;36
-.au 00;36
-.flac 00;36
-.mid 00;36
-.midi 00;36
-.mka 00;36
-.mp3 00;36
-.mpc 00;36
-.ogg 00;36
-.ra 00;36
-.wav 00;36
-.axa 00;36
-.oga 00;36
-.spx 00;36
-.xspf 00;36
diff --git a/sh/profile.d/ls.sh b/sh/profile.d/ls.sh
index 7eb61fde..0c3754e9 100644
--- a/sh/profile.d/ls.sh
+++ b/sh/profile.d/ls.sh
@@ -17,15 +17,4 @@
touch -- "$lcd"/color || exit
-) || return
-# Run dircolors(1) to export LS_COLORS if available and appropriate
-if [ -e "$HOME"/.cache/ls/color ] ; then
- if command -v dircolors >/dev/null ; then
- if [ -r "$HOME"/.dircolors ] ; then
- eval "$(dircolors --sh -- "$HOME"/.dircolors)"
- else
- eval "$(dircolors --sh)"
- fi
- fi