blob: 89e5d19e001a2c599fa18385e416cac67283e1e0 (
plain) (
" detect_background.vim: Invert Vim's built-in logic for choosing dark or
" light backgrounds; we'll default to choosing a dark background unless we
" find some reason *not* to.
" Author: Tom Ryder <>
" License: Same as Vim itself
function! detect_background#DetectBackground()
" Split up the value of $COLORFGBG (if any) by semicolons
let l:colorfgbg = split($COLORFGBG, ';')
" Get the background color value, or an empty string if none
let l:bg = len(l:colorfgbg) ? l:colorfgbg[-1] : ''
" Choose the background setting based on this value
if l:bg ==# 'default' || l:bg ==# '7' || l:bg ==# '15'
set background=light
set background=dark