path: root/sh/profile.d/verse.sh
blob: 353c882a19a079d38d84329644b629ca0582b4d9 (plain) (tree)


# Only if shell is interactive
case $- in
    *i*) ;;
    *) return ;;

# Only if not in a tmux window on this machine
[ -z "$TMUX" ] || return

# Only if ~/.welcome/verse exists and ~/.hushlogin doesn't
[ -e "$HOME"/.welcome/verse ] || return
! [ -e "$HOME"/.hushlogin ] || return

# Only if verse(1) available
command -v verse >/dev/null 2>&1 || return

# Run verse(1) if we haven't seen it already today (the verses are selected by
# date); run in a subshell to keep vars out of global namespace
    now=$(date +%Y%m%d)
    [ -f "$HOME"/.verse ] && last=$(cat -- "$HOME"/.verse)
    [ "$now" -gt "$last" ] || exit
    printf '\n'
    printf '%s\n' "$now" > "$HOME"/.verse