#!perl -T use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Test::More tests => 7; use List::Breakdown 'breakdown'; our $VERSION = '0.14'; my @t = 1 .. 3; # The wrong kind of reference as a spec is fatal is( eval { breakdown [ a => 'a' ], @t } || undef, undef, 'error_wrongref_spec' ); # An undefined value in spec hashref is fatal is( eval { breakdown { a => undef }, @t } || undef, undef, 'error_notref_undef' ); # A non-reference value in spec hashref is fatal is( eval { breakdown { a => 'a' }, @t } || undef, undef, 'error_notref_def' ); # Any number of items in the numeric range shortcut besides 2 is fatal is( eval { breakdown { a => [] }, @t } || undef, undef, 'error_badref_array' ); is( eval { breakdown { a => [1] }, @t } || undef, undef, 'error_badref_array' ); is( eval { breakdown { a => [ 1, 2, 3 ] }, @t } || undef, undef, 'error_badref_array' ); # A double reference as a value in a spec hashref is fatal is( eval { breakdown { a => \{} }, @t } || undef, undef, 'error_badref_double' );